Helping you prepare for treatment
We are delighted to announce the launch of a new service for anyone who is about to start treatment for lymphoma.
Our new Preparing for Treatment Service is designed for anyone who is about to start treatment, or is supporting someone about to start treatment. If you have just been diagnosed, or are having treatment after active monitoring or following a relapse, this service is for you.
The service introduces ‘prehabilitation’: the idea of preparing you physically, practically and emotionally so that you are in the best position you can be to cope with and manage your lymphoma treatment, and recovery afterwards.
The service brings together key information to help you understand your condition and what treatment might be like, as well as preparing for lifestyle, practical and emotional changes during treatment. The information is in bite-size chunks, and signposts to more in-depth information if you want it. It also links you to sources of support and ways to get in touch with us, and with other people who are in a similar situation to you, or have been through it before.
The service is free to use, and you can register instantly online.
“Staring treatment can be really daunting, particularly if you feel that you haven’t had time to prepare emotionally as well as physically and practically. We hope this service helps people to feel more informed about their condition and treatment, more empowered to prepare for treatment, and less alone in their experience. The service is a virtual ‘we’ve got you’.
Rona Eade, Education and Support Services Manager at Lymphoma Action
We couldn’t have done it without you!
This new service was made possible by everyone who donated to last year’s Big Give Christmas Challenge. Thank you so much for your support.
Our incredible volunteers
Our online Volunteer Recognition Event returned for its third year on 5 June to recognise and celebrate our invaluable volunteer community.
Susan Daniels, a member of our Board of Trustees and personally affected by lymphoma, hosted the evening and presented 40 awards for length of service and 11 for outstanding contributions.
Susan commented: ‘I was very honoured to have the opportunity to host such a special event for the Charity and to recognise the commitment and tireless efforts of our volunteers. It is only through them that Lymphoma Action can continue to fulfil their mission and support the lymphoma community in countless ways every year.’
Here for you
Helpline Services: information and emotional support. Freephone 0808 808 5555, Live Chat on the website (both 10am - 3pm, Mon to Fri) or email information@
Buddy Service: call the helpline to ask about being put in contact with a Buddy, someone who has been through a similar experience to you.
Closed Facebook Support Group: sign up at LymphomaActionSupportUK
Online Support Meetings: meetings throughout the UK, including for family, friends and carers, and young people. Sign up at lymphoma-action.
Preparing for Treatment Service: For anyone about to start treatment.
Videos: on various topics about lymphoma. Find out more at
Lymphoma Voices: podcasts of personal experiences and medical opinion. Go to
Live your Life: self-management workshops to help you improve your wellbeing after treatment or when on active monitoring. Find a workshop at